Jim Casey Youth Initiative
Successful Transitions from Foster Care to AdulthoodThe Jim Casey Youth Initiative focuses on providing foster children and young adults with the parenting, mentorship, and resources they need to transition successfully into independent adulthood. By creating a mobile responsive site, case studies from successful policy implementations across the United States, curriculums, and featured resources were able to be seen through a 360 degree view as they related to Jim Casey’s areas of expertise. Now users can access the latest resources quickly and understand how they relate to legislative policies.
- Responsive Web Design
- Agile Web Development
- Website Maintenance
- Interactive Event Experience
- Responsive Web Design
- Agile Web Development
- Website Maintenance
- Interactive Event Experience

Growing Content
By working with key leadership at Jim Casey and their consultants at CFox Communications, we continue to add features to jimcaseyyouth.org in order for content to grow and remain accessible to users, while also building event-based micro-sites such as jimcaseyyouthengagement.com that focus on the cultivation of new content in connection to community out-reach and conferences